Study at PUC-Campinas
The International Relations Office (DRE) is responsible for the negotiation and management of International and National Cooperation Agreements, having as goal the exchange of knowledge between Universities.
Department of International Relations
Head of the International Relations Department
Prof. Me. Carlos Eduardo Pizzolatto
+55 19 3343-5844
Mobility/ Incoming Students
Gabrielly Souza
International Agreements/ Outgoing Students
Evandro Marcelino Martins
Office Hour with Appointment
Monday to Friday – from 8h30 to 16h30
PUC-Campinas accepts international students on the follow categories:
Students from Partner Universities with wich PUC-Campinas has a signed adendum for student exchange may enrol in disciplines at our University and study here for up to two semesters. Exchange students must be appointed by their home institution and are not supposed to pay tuition fees at PUC-Campinas.
The Student Exchange Program is designed for undergraduate and graduate students according to the exchange agreement between PUC-Campinas and your home institution.
How to apply
The selection occurs primarily at the home institution, according to internal criteria. After this step, the Application Form with the documents listed below must be mailed by the home institution to DRE (Department of International Relations) until the deadline indicated below. The DRE will check and dispatch it to the teaching unit concerned in order to decide if the application is suitable for the proposed courses.
In case the student is accepted, an acceptance letter will be mailed to the international relations office of the home University.
Documents Required
• Application form;
• Presentation Letter of the Home Institution;
• Motivation Letter stating the goals for studying at PUC-Campinas (in Portuguese);
• Official Academic Transcripts;
• Photocopy of the passport;
• Declaration of knowledge in Portuguese Language.
Application deadlines
31th October for 1st semester
30th April for 2nd semester
Academic Information
1st Semester: February – July
2nd Semester: August – December
All classes are taught in Portuguese.
Attention: some subjects are not taught in specific semesters. Check yours in //
The Special Student is a not regular student, who wants to study isolate disciplines of Undergraduation Course to obtain Study Certificate. The classes are lectured in Portuguese.
Who can participate?
Graduated students from High School or Higher Education
Regular students at a Higher Education Institution.
The Application Procedure
Fill out the Special Student Application Form and attached the documents below:
- Application Form;
- Certificate of High School or Higher Education Conclusion with consular visa;
- Passport copy;
- Motivation Letter writing the goals to study at PUC-Campinas (in Portuguese);
- The subjects of the course;
- Certificate of knowledge in Portuguese language.
Course Assignments
The student can choose the disciplines at the web site: //
It is possible to enroll in 80 credits in total, 10 per semester.
* 1 credit = 17 classes hours
The accepted student will receive the Acceptance Letter with which can ask for a Student Visa.
the student will pay tuition according to the amount of credits made.
The enrollment at PUC-Campinas
The first place to visit at PUC-Campinas is the Departamento de Relações Externas – DRE to present the original documents below:
- Passport;
- Register at Federal Policy Department;
- Student Visa;
- Insurance Card;
- Official Translation of the academic document (this one you can ask here in Brazil).
All special student pays for the disciplines.
Application deadlines
31th October for 1st semester
30th April for 2nd semester
Academic Information
1st Semester: February – July
2nd Semester: August – December
All the classes are in portuguese.
Attention: some subjects are not taught in specific semesters. Check yours in //
More Information:
Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas

Address: Rua Professor Doutor Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini, 1516 – Parque Rural Fazenda Santa Cândida – Campinas – SP – CEP 13.087-571
Phone: +55 19 3343-7020 / +55 19 3343-7010
PUC-Campinas has 37 Colleges with 45 Undergraduate Courses and 5 Graduate programs with courses to Masters and Doctorate level. Our teachers are highly qualified. It has a complete infrastructure and a built area of 196,000 m2, spread over its three Campuses. In its 75 year history, it has graduated over a 180,000 students. However, its quality and not mere quantity is the best thing PUC-Campinas has to offer.
A structured, recognized and well known University, PUC-Campinas brings together all the best human and physical resources needed to provide a complete and fully rounded higher education, in line with current demands and focused on the challenges of the future.
To better fill market vacancies, PUC-Campinas guarantees excellent training that leads to positions of prominence and leadership within professional spheres, in addition to promoting knowledge and furthering social involvement.
“PUC-Campinas shall be acknowledged by the excellence of its activities of education, research and extension; interaction with society; social relevance of its projects and development of professionals for performance at the contemporary world. It shall, still, be reference due to production, systematization and socialization of knowledge, through its university management model and creative and plural environment.”
“The Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, based on the values of Christian ethics and considering the awareness and reality of the sociocultural characteristics that the mission has to produce, organize and socialize, by means of its teaching, research and scope, aims towards developing professional excellence, the complete education of the individual and to contribute to the construction of a fair and supportive society”.
In order to fulfill its institutional mission, PUC-Campinas shall guide the performance of its activities by the following values and conditions of performance:
1. Solidarity
2. Respect to pluralism and diversity
3. Environmental responsibility
4. Development with economical-financial sustainability
5. Proactivity
6. Participation and co-responsibility
7. Excellence
8. Social commitment
PUC-Campinas is your first step towards the future – your future.
PUC-Campinas at Glance
Following the Country’s present enormous projection at the international scenario, PUC-Campinas is establishing exchange programs with renowned educational institutions abroad.
PUC-Campinas Courses and Programs have also benefited from such opening to the world with the use of modern, global and present information, preparing the student for an optimized performance, independently of geographical, cultural or technological frontiers.
Moreover, the International Relations Office (DRE – acronym in Portuguese) provides support to students and researchers, from anywhere in the world, interested in PUC-Campinas Courses and education or research programs.
The growth of the research field has been continuous throughout PUC-Campinas history.
PUC-Campinas’ courses are distributed among six Schools:
- School of Language and Communication – ELC (Journalism, Languages; Advertising and Marketing; Public Relations; Digital Media);
- School of Business and Economics – ECON (Business Administration; Accounting Sciences; Economic Sciences; Tourism; International Relations; Superior of Technology in Gastronomy);
- School of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences – ECHJS (Librarianship; Social Sciences; Law; Education; Physical Education; Philosophy; History; Social Service; Theology);
- School of Architecture, Arts and Design – EAAD (Architecture and Urban Planning; Visual Arts; Digital Design; Fashion Design; Geography);
- Polytechnic School (Software Engineering; Civil Engineering; Environmental and Sanitary Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Telecommunication Engineering; Control and Automation Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Production Engineering; Computer Engineering; Agronomic Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Systems Analysis; Digital Business; Information Systems; Superior of Technology in Information Technology Management; Data Science and Artificial Intelligence; Superior of Technology in Digital Game; Mathematics; Chemistry);
- School of Life Sciences – ECV (Biology Sciences; Biomedicine; Nursing; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Physiotherapy; Speech Therapy; Medicine; Veterinary Medicine; Nutrition; Dentistry; Psychology; Occupational Therapy).
All Schools gather Research Groups.
The Graduate programs cover the following areas:
- Religious Studies;
- Health Sciences;
- Law
- Urban Infrastructure System;
- Sustainability;
- Education
- Psychology;
- Telecommunication’s Network Management;
- Architecture and Urban Planning.
The increase in production of texts and articles and the participation of PUC-Campinas researchers in national and international events follows Brazil’s prestige at the international scientific scenario.
In the region, its Graduate programs and research activities are reference. Researchers, students or professors, actively contribute with public and private agencies in projects, governance, and planning actions, among others.
PUC-Campinas is reference all over Brazil, not only due to educational quality and research development, but also due to its strong social performance.
The University offers gratuitous support to Campinas’ underprivileged population with its University Hospital, prepared to provide daily support to hundreds of people who cannot afford a medical appointment.
PUC-Campinas professors are among the best in the Country and have huge prestige, not only at Campinas region, but also all over Brazil. Thus, they are constantly requested by press and business agencies so as to provide expert opinion and lectures on society’s most relevant issues, at practically all sectors of human activity and knowledge.
Nowadays, a diploma with the PUC-Campinas seal is a huge door for the best opportunities in employment, and its students are used to greater growth chances in large corporations in the region.
PUC-Campinas has several scholarship, financing, and covenant options for extension, research, and education at all levels. It maintains covenants with fomentation agencies from State and Federal governments, especially the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, available for PUC-Campinas students, researchers, and extension students, with programs and resources from different matrixes.
PUC-Campinas maintains, still, internal scholarship and incentive programs, including monitoring and traineeship/internship at the University itself.
Participation in development of professors (licentiate) is intense, including adhesion to official programs such as Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores (National Professors Development Plan), with University endorsement since 2010.
Full social inclusion Scholarships and Financings also represent a differential from PUC-Campinas academic clientele, with emphasis on the participation in one of the most ambitious programs for higher education incentive in Brazil, Programa Universidade para Todos (University for All Program) (PROUNI), from the Brazilian Federal Government. There is, still, the Vestibular Social (Social Vestibular Concurrence), also assuring 100% university education costing for low income students.
With an academic community of almost 20 thousand people, including graduation and post-graduation students, professors and researchers, PUC-Campinas is the largest non-StateUniversity from State of São Paulo midland. And, so as to support such academic population, it relies on material and human resources:
- Laboratory complexes at all fields of knowledge;
- System of integrated libraries;
- Ateliers, workshops, animal research areas, and all resources necessary for practical activities from the different courses and research programs;
- University Hospital, with over 300 beds, around 240 thousand appointments per year, keeping Internship programs at practically all medical specialization areas, serving as practical learning for 11 courses from the Health area;
- Events of national and international projection and daily activities at auditoriums and amphitheaters, including seminars, conferences, lectures, study panels and debates, making PUC-Campinas an important knowledge production and diffusion center;
- Debate Forums with personalities from Brazil and abroad covering social, scientific, cultural, political, and economic issues.
Rector: Professor Germano Rigacci Júnior, PhD.
Vice-Rector: Professor Fr. José Benedito de Almeida David, PhD.
Pro-Rector for Undergraduate Studies: Professor Cyntia Belgini Andretta, PhD.
Pro-Rector for Research, Graduate Studies and Outreach Programs: Professor Alessandra Borin Nogueira, PhD.
Pro-Rector for Continuing Studies: Professor Rogério Eduardo Rodrigues Bazi, PhD.
Pro-Rector for People Management and Shared Services: Professor Victor de Barros Deantoni, PhD.
Pro-Rector for Innovation: Professor Camila Brasil Gonçalves Campos, PhD.
Head of the International Relations Office: Professor Carlos Eduardo Pizzolatto, Me.
Campus I
On Campus I, the largest area of PUC-Campinas and where more than 50% of the University’s students study, are located the dependencies of the Dean.
This land was donated by two sisters Vera and Ana Beatriz, daughters of Caio Pinto Guimarães and agricultural engineers and the former owner of Santa Cândida Farm. Guimarães had a dream to build a university on the farm’s prime location.
The construction of the buildings started in 1970. Three years later, the institute of Arts, Communication and Tourism – IACT became operational and the Faculty of Physical Education – FAEFI. The Campus was inaugurated on the 15th of March 1973.
Courses run at this location are part of the School of Language and Communication – ELC, School of Business and Economics – ECON, School of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences – ECHJS, School of Architecture, Arts and Design – EAAD and the Polytechnic School.
Campus II
Campus II is known as the “City of Health”, due to the fact that together in one place are the University Hospital and the School of Life Sciences Courses (ECV), composed by the Colleges of Biology Sciences; Biomedicine; Nursing; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Physiotherapy; Speech Therapy; Medicine; Veterinary Medicine; Nutrition; Dentistry; Psychology; and Occupational Therapy.
The Celso Pierro Maternity Hospital is a benchmark for Campinas and the region, it has hospital beds available for the use of the oublic Unified Health System (SUS) and for private partnerships and individuals, throughtout the Inpatient Units and the Emergency Department for adults, pediatrics, gynaecology, obstetrics and orthopaedics, as well as adult, pediatrics, neonatal and coronary Intensive Care Units (UTi’s).

Post-Graduation Programs
Undergraduate Programs
(available only in portuguese)