Central de Atendimento ao Aluno Contatos oficiais Área do aluno

Lines of Research:

  • Formation of Teachers and Pedagogical Practices

Studies the initial and continued formation of Basic Education teachers and their pedagogical practices, focusing the learning-education and teaching staff professionalization processes, articulated with the social-cultural contexts where they take place.

  • Public Policies in Education

Studies the basis and actuation of the State in the perspective of guarantee of Education as a social right at the various levels and modalities of education, focusing the processes of formulation, planning, implementation, management, and evaluation of public policies related to education.


– Form and qualify teaching staff and researchers for broadening the production of knowledge in Education aiming at professional performance at Campinas Metropolitan Region and in Brazil;
– Produce qualified research on Pedagogical Practices, Teacher Formation, Management and Evaluation of policies in education;
– Produce and disclose scientific knowledge in Education, through selective participation in activities promoted by societies and agencies from the area of education, national and international, or through publications qualified by the QUALIS/CAPES system;
– Disseminate and socialize knowledge produced aiming at contributing for the improvement of educational character policies, programs, and projects, elaborated by the public power on the three levels of government and/or in the private sector scope.

Target Audience

– Education area professionals and alike.

– Professionals graduated in Higher Education interested in educational issues.

Scholarship Modalities

a) CAPES/MEC: Program of Support to Post-Graduation from Private Education Institutions;

b) PUC-Campinas/Rectorship: 50% exemption on tuition.

Curricular Structure

For the conclusion of the Master’s Degree in Education, aiming at the title of Master, a total of 32 credits are necessary, attributed as follows:

1) 02 mandatory disciplines of 03 credits, adding up to a total of 06 credits;
2) 03 elective disciplines of 03 credits, adding up to a total of 9 credits;
3) 03 modules of Advanced Research Seminars, all mandatory, adding up to a total of 09 credits;
4) Approval on Qualification Exam: at the end of the first year of the Master’s Degree course the student will have to submit his/her dissertation project to a Qualification Exam.
5) Dissertation: 08 credits.

Minimum duration of the Master’s Degree in Health Sciences is 12 and maximum 24 months.

Thus, the course progression is distributed as follows:

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester
Mandatory (1) Mandatory (1) Elective (3) Guidance
Mandatory (2) Elective (2) ARS (3)
ARS (1) ARS (2) Guidance
Guidance Guidance


The proposal of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Education from PUC-Campinas was elaborated in the early 1990s, having received recommendation from CAPES/MEC in 1997. From the creation of the Program until 2006, the Concentration Area was Higher Education and Lines of Research: Studies in Assessment, and University, Teaching, and Development of Teachers.

From the promulgation of Law 9394/96, which established the Guidelines and Basis for National Education, there were many alterations on the country’s educational policies, bringing immediate reflexes on the questioning of teacher’s research projects and interests on investigation that would move the candidates to Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Programs. Facing this picture, the Program’s Permanent Teaching Staff elaborated a Pedagogical Proposal that, having been approved by the University Council on 30/Nov/2006, went into effect from 2007, contemplating the Concentration Area: Education, and the Lines of Research: Studies in Assessment, and Pedagogical Practices and Educator Formation.

From 2010, seeking Constant improvement and in consonance with the orientations from the CAPES/MEC Education Area Commission, the Program’s Permanent Teaching Staff continued discussing the Course’s Pedagogical Project, having, thus elaborated a proposal, readapting the Lines of Research and some disciplines that, approved on the 470th University Council Meeting, held on 22/Sep/2011, contemplates the Concentration Area: Education, and the Lines of Research: Teacher Formation and Pedagogical Practices, and Public Policies in Education.

This restructured curricular proposal is in effect, thus, for those ingressing from 2012 onwards.