Lines of Research:
Studies the initial and continued formation of Basic Education teachers and their pedagogical practices, focusing the learning-education and teaching staff professionalization processes, articulated with the social-cultural contexts where they take place.
Studies the basis and actuation of the State in the perspective of guarantee of Education as a social right at the various levels and modalities of education, focusing the processes of formulation, planning, implementation, management, and evaluation of public policies related to education.
The learning objectives of the doctorate program allow students to:
– Elaborate theses that meet the scope and uniqueness requirements with themes related to the Program’s research lines;
– Qualify researchers open to interdisciplinary dialogue in relation to the process of construction of scientific knowledge;
– Induce the construction of knowledge with a view to problematizing the Brazilian educational reality.
Target Audience
– Masters of Education and the like.
Curricular Structure
For the completion (*) of the Doctorate in Education, aiming at the title of Doctor, a total of 32 credits are needed, distributed as follows:
1) General Mandatory Courses = 04 credits (two subjects, each with 02 credits);
2) Elective Courses = 06 credits (two courses, each with 03 credits);
3) Advanced Research Seminars (ARS), mandatory = 06 credits (two ARSs, with 03 credits each); only one SAP can be taken per semester;
4) Academic advising = 16 total credits, after completion of the Course.
(*) In order to obtain the title of Doctor, in addition to complying with the credits listed above, the student must fully comply with the provisions contained in the General Guidelines of Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs.
The general mandatory courses are specified below:
– Production of Knowledge in the Field of Educational Sciences
– Educational Theories and their Fundamentals
The Advanced SAP Research Seminar includes two mandatory modules of 03 credits each to be completed in two consecutive semesters. Its goal is to analyze and monitor the design of the students’ research projects, especially dissertation and thesis projects, prioritizing epistemological and methodological aspects. It promotes reflections on the themes developed by the institutional Research Group.
The minimum duration of the Doctorate in Education is 24 and the maximum is 48 months.
Thus, the progression of the course is distributed as follows:
The student who enters directly from the Undergraduate Program in the Doctoral Course, via the university’s Selection Process, must complete the credits in courses, mandatory and elective, corresponding to the Master’s and Doctorate levels, in addition to the Thesis, within a maximum period of 48 months, being then entitled to the title of Doctor of Education.
1st semester | 2nd semester | 3rd to 8th semester |
Mandatory General (1) | Mandatory General (2) | Guidance |
Elective (1) | Elective (2) | – |
ARS (1) | ARS (2) | – |
Guidance | Guidance | – |
The doctoral course in Education at PUC Campinas was recommended by the Technical-Scientific Higher Education Council of CAPES, at its meeting no. 159. It is a proposal that originated from the Academic Master’s program recommended by CAPES in 1997. The area of concentration is Education and there are two lines of research: (I) Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices and (II) Public Policies in Education.